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Spiritual Warefare Research and Development

Welcome to Spiritual Warfare Research and Development


 A battle is now raging in our world and God has now called us to the battle lines where swords are drawn and shields are raised against Satan and his minions as we ready the fighting stance. We have created this to bring awareness to Spiritual warfare and the dangers of Satan and his demon armies. Leading people out of darkness, motivating, healing, restoring and transforming lives one life and family at a time, together with the help of the Ministry and God, we will show people the way back to Christ through Faith, Strength, Courage, Love. Together we will win the war against Satan!(We can also help with posting prayer requests if you are unable to reach Bill if you need or would like. All requests will also be forwarded to him in the event he is unable to be reached directly). Prayer requests are always welcome. Where God guides he will provide!

 “My body is a battlefield.
It is a place of war, of death and suffering, of triumph and victory, of damage and repair, of blood and tears and sweat.
It is a place where memories go to find purpose for their existence.
It is a place where humans cast all inhibitions aside to discover what exists at their very core.
It is a place of growth wearing a mask of destruction.
It is a challenge, not for the faint of heart, beckoning us to face it with eyes wide open.

The only war is within. When you are ready to fight it, the field awaits.”
― Agnostic Zetetic

warrior solider sword with angel wings
Warrior Soldier

A Prayer of Spiritual Warfare


Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered. (Psalm 68:1)

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)

Today we will lift up a prayer for victory in the spiritual battles we are facing, for we truly live in a spiritual battlefield. Is Satan hounding you, seeking to devour you and what belongs to you? Then join in this prayer of faith:

Rise up in your mighty strength. I entreat your presence and the manifestation of your power in the battle I am facing today. As I lift you up in praise, faith, and thanksgiving I ask for your strong arm to show itself in great acts of victory on my behalf. The battle waged against me is real and intense, but your power is much more Real. Arise, Oh God! Arise in this struggle, and scatter the enemy. Confuse the demons assigned to this situation. They shall not prevail when I wield my great sword – the Sword of the Word of God; indeed each and every promise therein is mine for the claiming! So bring confusion to the armies of hell that are seeking to kill, steal, and destroy me and what belongs to me. I clap my hands today to celebrate your mighty power! This battle belongs to you; I am a participant only in my faith to stand firm and watch it happen. So in the mighty name of Jesus I will stand firm, unwavering in my faith in You, for You have never failed and you never shall.

Spiritual Warfare Sword on water
serene water

Always and FOREVER Standing One with Christ! Thank you for viewing our site! May GOD Bless You Always!!  -Warrior Mode  24.7.365

-Spiritual Warfare Research and Development

Our Mission Statement We Live by:

Deep in the oceans of our hearts flowing through each of us, is the strength and spirit of a warrior called by GOD to the battlefields to defend his name. As we rise to face the enemy who seeks to destroy us, we fight hard standing strong! We proudly fight back. While Satan seeks to rob, kill and destroy us, we seek to destroy him with vengeance. We fight for freedom everyday from the grips of Satan and his demonic armies and satanic ways; leading people back to Christ. Through Faith, Strength, Love and Courage, we faithfully and proudly expose the enemy and his lies warning of the dangers he brings. With Christ on our side at all times, nothing and no weapon formed against us can stand against us. We firmly take a stand against the devil and his ways and together we can and WILL defeat Satan and his dark army changing one life at a time, as we bring people out of the darkness and into the light. Battle cries echo throughout across the lands. Forever standing united in one with Christ, together we will defeat Satan!

-Spiritual Warfare Research and Development

animted waterfall
Angel Wings protection candle
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