Stop the Satanic Black Mass!!!
Stop the Satanic Black Mass!!!
Sheduled to take place 8.16.16
Satanic black mass sparks outrage with more than 100,000 signing a petition to stop devil worshippers holding ceremony CHRISTIANS in America are outraged over a proposed satanic “black mass” due to be held at the Oklahoma City Civic Centre Music Hall. Over 100,000 people have signed an online petition demanding the group Dakhma of Angra Mainyu not be allowed to hold the devil worshipping ceremony in August this year. The group was co-founded by Adam Daniels, a registered sex offender. The diabolic event’s description states: “The consumption of the Mary by Jai Kali Maa, is an event that will have two seperate (sic) rituals that will show the evolution from satanism to ahrimanism. “The first ritual will [be] the black mass as done in 2014, and the second ritual will be the consumption of Mary by Jai Kali Maa. The second ritual will educate the public on the practice of ahrimanism.” But a conservative Roman Catholic organisation has put forward a petition calling for the event to be scrapped. Petitions to stop this can be signed below Article link Petitions Links