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University of Southern Maine Promotes ‘The Unholy Bible’ Art Project

Breaking News This Just in! As of January 10th, 2020!

It's time for EVERYONE TO WAKE UP ! Anyone In Ministry of ANY KIND will want to pay extra attention to the following news story below... Get ready! This will blow your minds wide open! Meet The 'Unholy Bible Art Project' This is brand new and is the "latest" of Satan's tactics.

Greetings Everyone! We have some rather distubring news to tell you about tonight.

Are you ready for this one? Here's the latest calling card by satan as of the 10th of this month and year.

This article is for EVERYONE and needs to be aware of this. ESPECIALLY if you are in Deliverance Ministry or any ministry for that matter, a spiritual healer, Minister of any kind, teach religious ed, no matter who you are or what role you play in a religious sense and background. If you are in this battle against satan, we highly recommend you turn up the radar on paying extra attention to the article we are about to share.

As we all or we should all know, Satan's tactics are to deter us from the word of GOD and being drawn closer to him. His MO is to seek out, rob, kill and destroy and lead us away from GOD himself. Satan is the father of lies and he will do anything he can to destroy this world and conform it in his image.

We know that Satan also tries to use the bible against us as well as to not only change GOD's word in the bible, which by the way did you know that in the book of Revelation 1: 9, Satan now has his own synagogue in the bible?

Revelation 1:9

"I know thy works, and tribulationand poverty, (but thou are rich)and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of satan"

However, bible changes tonight are not why we are writing this. We are here to talk about a brand new Art Program brought to the world by the University of Maine on the East Coast. This is NOTHING to be proud of so don't get too excited.

Deliverance Ministers, Exorcists and Ministers in general will eat this up.... or then again might have a few choice words for this University or to say in general.

The whole purpose in ministry itself is to lead people back to Christ and steer them away from Satan or any involvement of satan. The focus is being shifted off Christ too much these days and we must get back to making Christ first in our lives and accepting him as the one true Lord and Savior....

Satan himself has always been jealous of GOD and rebelled which is why he and a third of the angels were cast out of heaven by GOD. Satan has done everything from alter our bibles with the word of GOD to creating chaos in this world as well as destruction and so much more. His latest thing now as of January 10th, 2020, has invaded the University of Maine on the East Coast. Many of you on the East Coast are within a day's drive or less from the state of Maine.

Satan has introduced his UNHOLY BIBLE ART PROJECT to teachers to encourage our college students to a world of satanism. First satan wants to corrupt our children by offering after care school programs, to a satanic religious ed program in Kentucky, to now providing satanic art classes to our college kids.

Parents do you know about this? Deliverance Ministers/Exorcists, Youth Ministers, Spiritual leaders/healers, Religious educators......... How about you? We can pretty much answer this with a resounding NO tell me more. So we will do just that. Whoever and whereever you are in the world, and whatever role in ministry you play Get ready for this news. This is going to blow your minds wide open and open your eyes hugely.

Now.....Let us introduce you to the UNHOLY BIBLE ART PROJECT Program available now to students at the University of Maine. Good Job Satan you're at it again aren't you with corrupting the world...........Just remember, your days are numbered and will end when GOD returns to this world and your time is not only going to be short but limited here in this world. Now let's begin....The article explains itself......

University of Southern Maine Promotes ‘The Unholy Bible’ Art Project

The University of Southern Maine is promoting an art project created by atheist sophomore Riley Harris called the “Unholy Bible: Very Revised Standard Edition.” Harris told The Kennebec Journal, Maine’s oldest newspaper, that the piece is supposed to symbolize challenges to religious authority.

University Promotes Controversial Art

“I was thinking a lot about questioning authority in general,” Harris told reporters. “People question different types of authority, but for some reason, religious authority seems too taboo to question, so I thought I would give it a shot.”

The project was created as part of a class project that required students to repurpose a book and turn it into something new. The piece of art features an open Bible with upright torn pages painted orange to signify flames and Satanic images covering the face of Jesus.

Despite the criticism, the university’s vice president for enrollment management and marketing Jared Cash said, “The university supports freedom of speech rights for all students, affirmed and upheld by Board of Trustee System Policy 212.”

The policy reads:

“Academic freedom is the freedom to present and discuss all relevant matters in and beyond the classroom, to explore all avenues of scholarship, research, and creative expression, and to speak or write without any censorship, threat, restraint, or discipline by the university with regard to the pursuit of truth in the performance of one’s teaching, research, publishing or service obligation.”

Desecration of the Holy Text

The exhibit is on display in a building on the university’s campus where numerous community groups meet during the week. One of those groups is Casco Bay Church of Christ.

Church member Charlie Flynn was outraged after his daughter pointed out the work of art during a weekend gathering on the Portland campus.

“This is someone’s sacred text being desecrated, destroyed and displayed in a public place,” Flynn said. “I couldn’t help but feel no one’s sacred text should be treated that way. I think it’s very inappropriate and repugnant.”

Flynn continued: “If I saw a Koran with pig blood on it I would certainly call someone, or a Torah with unclean foods on it. This is a Bible with Satan’s image put over Jesus’ image… I don’t understand why that would be viewable in an institution of higher learning.”

‘Only Christians and Jews Are Allowed to Be Attacked’

In an interview with CBN News, radio commentator Todd Starnes stated that this type of art would not be tolerated if it was defacing any other religious belief system:

“Here in the United States of America, only Christians and Jews are allowed to be attacked for their religious beliefs. It is highly improbable that you would see a university like the University of Southern Maine approve of a desecrated Koran or allow a student to take pictures of the prophet Mohammed and place a satanic image on those kinds of things.”

He added that he “doesn’t think the university would be hollering about free speech and freedom of expression if [this] were the case.”

-End of Article

Now let's think about that part where it speaks about only Christians and Jews can come under attack.... Deliverance Ministers/Exorcists/ Ministers in Deliverance Ministry or Ministry in general or anyone who has done deliverance These questions are being directed to you!

Think about the number of Deliverances you do per day, per week, per month, per year. However often you do them... Think about how many you do and look back at your cases files. How many cases would you say that you get that someone is NOT a Christian.... How many cases are done that the client in need is that of another faith....... what would you do if you were approached by someone who isn't Christian? Would GOD still help set them free through you should you choose to help them? Would you recommend them to a person who specializes in their specific religious beliefs? How would you handle this? Finally Could you even help someone who is not of the Christian faith?

After thinking about how GOD helps EVERYONE in need, everyone who is a follower of Christ KNOWS YAHWEH himself would never turn away anyone..... When he was persecuted and condemned he willingly accepted it after understanding it was a part of GOD's plan. He didn't tell the Jews I want nothing to do with you because you aren't christian. GOD did not write a list of faiths that he would help vs those he would not. When the Possessed Man had demons, did GOD say what faith are you and if you' re not one of my followers, you need to go on your way. He cast out the demons. How about when he helped cure the blind man, or the lepper or the paraylized man, all the miracles that GOD performed...... The point is he still helped them ALL. He didn't single one out over the other or send them all to the way side to deal with their own issues.

If sin is a factor in demonic attack, how is it that only a christian or a Jew can be the only ones? Doesn't everyone no matter where you are in the world, can't we all come under attack regardless of our faith, religious belifes, or the actions we make in life? Deliverance Ministers and Exorcists know especially that sin, opening door ways and portals are only a few of the things that lead to demonic attacks.... So how on earth, can only one category of people be affected and no one else in the world can be?

So we strongly disagree that only Christians and Jews can be the only ones under attack. In closing of this , we rebuttle back with the fact that Christ never singled out anyone he would help that come under attack. No one is exempt from attack.

Allowing the satanic UNHOLY BIBLE ART PROJECT goes against Everything GOD has taught us and basically promotes the glorification of Satan and kicks GOD to the curb and sends HIM packing out of our lives. YET, this is what the Southern Universtity of Maine wants to promote to your college kid. So they can learn more about satan by taking part in demonic art drawings?

We think now is the time to quiet our minds and heart and please join us in prayer.

Father God, just as Jesus shocked and stretched the disciples, so He continues to stretch me. He never pursued what was easy or comfortable; He chose what was best. And He showed us that the best, safest place to live is in the middle of Your will. Like Jesus, with Jesus, and for Jesus, I want to walk in the light. Please give me the courage to let go of what’s comfortable and choose to live and walk in the light. In the name of Jesus, who is “the light of the world” (John 8:12), I pray, Amen.

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