John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
"At Thy feet I fall, Yield Thee Up My ALL, To suffer LIVE, OR DIE For my Lord crucified."-SWRD
Funny Christian Sayings
Funny Christian SayingsBill JohnsonComplaining is to the devil, what praise is to God.UnknownSwallowing your pride rarely leads to indigestion.UnknownToo blessed to be stressed.Joyce MeyerAnger is the smelly fruit of rotten roots.UnknownStop, drop and roll will not work in hell.UnknownNo need to worry if you're drowning, our lifeguard walks on water.Garrison KeillorGoing to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car.UnknownFavor ain't fair, but it sure is funny.UnknownDon't carry around bricks from your past, you'll just end up building the same house.UnknownToday's forecast: the Son shines and the Lord reigns!UnknownI may not have a Facebook page, but Jesus is still my friend.
Stephen DaveyGod wants to meet your need, not your greed