5 Ways to Trust God In Hard Times
5 Ways to Trust God In Hard Times
When tough times hit whether it’s financial, physical, mental or spiritual, it can make it harder to trust God. These five tips will help anyone find calm in the storm.
Calm In The Storm
When tough times hit whether it’s financial, physical, mental or spiritual, it can make it harder to trust God. These five tips will help anyone find calm in the storm.
Rebuke Doubt
Doubt is the biggest deterrent to faith. When doubtful thoughts bubble-up, immediately give them an eviction notice. Replace them with hope and faith-filled words that have transformational power for any situation.
Find Your Story
Sometimes it helps to find stories in the Bible that we can identify with. There’s nothing new under the sun. Seeing the hand of God consistently move on behalf of believers throughout time is a great reminder of God's faithfulness.
Affirm What God Says
Speak life into tough circumstances and moments. Make a habit of filling-up on God’s promises, so when hard times come the Word is already safely planted within to draw upon.
Cast Down Thoughts
The enemy launches fiery darts, in the form of negative thoughts, endlessly throughout the day. His goal is to get a person to take ownership of the thought. As Christians, we’re not to accept anything as truth that doesn’t line up with the Word of God. Instead, take treacherous thoughts captive and stay on the path of truth.
Be Generous
Give time, resources, gifts and love. It’s easy to feel like when disaster hits we don’t have anything to share with others. Let your light shine anyway, no matter how hard things get, there’s always an opportunity to give. Not only does this show a deep trust in God, it also prevents a victim mentality from taking root.