The Divine Privilege You Have in Christ
The Divine Privilege You Have in Christ
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Romans 12:1
It seems like more and more today, I meet people who have a slot-machine religion. You know what I mean… they think of serving God like putting a quarter in a slot machine. So they volunteer at church, pull the lever, and wait and see if God will pay out.
Now you may hear that and think, “That’s preposterous! How could anyone believe something like that?!” But the truth is there’s an inkling of that feeling in all of us. It may not be a blatant as the example above, but we all have that little voice that comes from our flesh that says, “God is really lucky to have me on His team.”
But the Bible gives us a very different paradigm of thinking when it comes to serving God. Instead of elevating ourselves and thinking we’re really helping God out, the reality is that serving God is a privilege for those of us who are in Jesus Christ.
Give cheerfully. Serve humbly. You have nothing to offer God except what He’s already given you – a holy life. Exercise your divine privilege of serving Him every day and thank God for the wonderful blessing of being able to live for His glory!