It's Just Water By Casey Durham
It's Just Water By Casey Durham “And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.” Matthew 8:26 I shot straight up in my bed, leaned over to my nightstand, and grabbed my phone. “7:33 a.m.” WHAT!!!!!! I must have not set an alarm. I was supposed to wake up 33 minutes earlier, by the very latest, in order to be on time for work. I jumped up and began getting ready as quickly as I could. I had no time for morning devotions, I couldn’t find my shoes, and then I noticed it was pouring down rain outside. I headed out the door: raincoat- and umbrella-less. I pulled almost completely out of my driveway when all of a sudden it occurred to me that I had left my cell phone in the house. GREAT! I slowly headed back up to the house with tears beginning to form in my eyes. I got out into the rain again and went back into the house to find my phone. Found it. Deep breath. It’s okay. As I headed back out to my car, I came off the last step of my deck and slid into some mud. The tears formed again. I hate this day. I got into the car and drove down the road, now INSANELY late for work. When I got there, I grabbed all of my belongings and headed into the office. I couldn’t really run inside because my hands were full. So, here I am getting SOAKED on the way inside. I’m frantic. I’m upset. I’m frustrated. I feel defeated. It was then that I heard in my heart (not in a harsh or dismissing sort of way) the words “it's just water”. At first, I was irritated. I know it’s just water, but I look like a soggy mess and I have a big meeting today. But then, I let the words resonate. It’s just water. I had let the obstacles of that morning allow me to feel defeated, and I had only been awake a little over an hour! How quickly I had lost sight of who my God is and had instead focused on the circumstances around me. I thought of another time where people were focused on the seemingly treacherous conditions around them instead of the God they had with them. Read Matthew 8:25-26. “…And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm...” In a way, Jesus was saying, “What is the matter? It’s just water.” Then what? He calmed those waters. We often think of this story as a metaphor for how Jesus is in control of the big storms that we go through in life, but I also think it’s applicable to the pouring rain we experience in the mundane. Friend, today when you get frustrated by the “little” annoyances that pour down and overwhelm your heart, remember: it’s just water. Hand it over to the One who is in control of all things and who can rebuke and calm the seas. Lord, I’m so thankful that You turn our sorrow into joy, even with the “little” things we face in the day to day. Help us to remember that though the waves may rage around us, it’s just water. You are both the God of the Universe, and the Lover of our hearts, and You are more than capable of handling all of our burdens. We lay them all at Your feet, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.